Saturday, May 25, 2013

Here we go!

Over the last year I've discovered the beauty of vintage Pyrex and I'm ready to start sharing my journey with the world.   Not only is vintage Pyrex beautiful, but it's also incredibly functional.  There isn't a dinner that goes by that we aren't putting at least one piece to work.

fridgies, butterprint, old dutch, blue, teal, turquoise, baking, bakeware, pyrex, vintage pyrex, pyrex love, more pyrex please, white pyrex, blue pyrex
Butterprint Refrigerator set and Butterprint Casseroles. 
My collection is still far from complete, but building it has become one of my favorite pastimes.  My journey takes me to thrift stores, estate sales, antique shops, flea markets, garage sales and church rummage sales every chance I get.   Often, working and life get in the way of getting to these brick and mortar locations, so I find myself utilizing the Internet for satisfying my desire.  Sites like ebay, and Instagram are all excellent resources for finding these vintage treasures. 

There is a good chance we have a big move in our near future so instead of spending this holiday weekend adding to my collection and the items I have to worry about in the move,  I'll be spending it catching up this blog with my favorite pieces from my collection.


  1. those blue ones are gorgeous!

    1. Thanks! I love them. The pattern is called Butterprint. It's one of my favorites.
